My primary interests surround the combination of population and behavioural ecology. By integrating individual, social, and environmental factors, I seek to determine proximate causes of behavioural responses, and to identify their influence on population-level demographic processes. My multidisciplinary approach and unique skill set have lead to a variety of fruitful international collaborations. I have a strong analytical and field-based background, and now aim to extend further into research - specifically beginning to explore and answer my own questions, and work towards the conservation of Australia’s unique biodiversity.

I completed my Bachelor of Science, majoring in Zoology and Conservation Biology at the University of Western Australia, including a semester abroad at Boston College, USA. After gaining some field experience, I then completed a Masters in Quantitative Environmental Sciences at the University of Zurich in Switzerland. I worked with Arpat Ozgul and Gabriele Cozzi in the PopEcol population ecology lab. I am now completing my PhD back at UWA, under the supervision of Nicki Mitchell, Ben Phillips, and Adrian Wayne.

I have an underlying passion for field work, and happily take any opportunity to get back out there! I possess a wide range of field skills, from capturing animals and recording behavioural observations to radio telometry, ultrasounding and accelerometer collar deployment.

I conduct the majority of my analyses in R, using techniques such as generalized mixed effects modelling, Cox’s proportional hazard modelling, secr modelling and principal component analyses. I have recently been working on my population modelling skills, using a Bayesian framework to build N-mixture, CJS and multistate population models. I am capable of programming using languages including MySQL, R, Markdown, Latex, JAGS, and Python.

My hobbies include drinking tea, being outdoors (hiking, camping and snorkelling), gardening, playing board games, and the occassional skeleton articulation. I also have a passion for travelling abroad and exploring new cultures, especially where there’s exotic wildlife!